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鳳笙奏者 井原季子


高野山の守護 丹生都比売神社にて巫女舞の修練中笙と出会う。豊英秋氏、東康弘氏に師事。日本の伝統文化と精神性、そして世界に根ざした普遍性を探求、研鑽を重ねる。全国の社寺での奉納演奏をはじめ、舞台参加や楽曲提供等、国内外にて様々なアーティストとの幅広い創作活動を行う。


Tokiko IHARA first received training in ceremonial dance at Niutsuhime Jinja, the guardian shrine of Mount Koya, and temple of ascetic practice. She studied with Hideaki Bunno and Yasuhiro Higashi. She seeks the expression of light and sound, sources of the universe, exploring Japanese traditional culture and the spirituality and universality with roots across the world. Her performances are dedicated to temples and shrines, domestically and overseas, and often in collaboration with other artists and musicians.

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